
Game Night with the Saints

Board Game Reviews and Information

Latest Reviews

Episode 10: Intrepid

We’re back with our tenth episode after a rocky start to 2022 thanks to mandatory work travel and COVID-19 quarantining!  In this episode, we discuss our favorite board game memories of the past few weeks, before jumping into our Notable News and Crowdfunding Corner.  Finally, we do a deep dive into Intrepid, designed by Jeff…

Don’t Table the Table Investment

by Mrs. Saint Last year (2021), Brad and I knew early on, with our super mobile toddler and her utter refusal to wear masks for most of the year, that we probably were going to forgo a family vacation for the year. We also were reaching a point with our board gaming hobby where getting…

Episode 9: Dinosaur Island: Rawr ‘n Write

In the ninth episode of Game Night with the Saints,  we share our favorite board game memories from the past couple of weeks and then we jump into the news from around the board game hobby since our last episode. We also address some slight changes that will be happening to our Crowdfunding Corner portion…

Latest Blog Posts

The Future of Game Night with the Saints

by Mrs. Saint Sixteen months ago, Brad and I (Jess) published our tenth episode of our podcast: Game Night with the Saints. If you had told us then that we wouldn’t have had our next episode out for you on track two weeks later, I would have laughed. Then life happened. And now, here we…

Board Game Bites for New Gamers: Fighting Card Games

by Mrs. Saint Sorry for the hiatus on our Board Game Bites posts, the Saint household has been embroiled in a few hectic months of holidays, a teething toddler, and general life craziness, as I’m sure many of your can relate. Our first B.G.B. post of 2021 is going to be focusing on a genre…

Saint Gaming’s Favorites of 2020

No matter the year, the end of December brings a time for reflection and 2020 is certainly no exception, but instead of dwelling on some of the sad and less pleasant parts of this year, we’re going to take a few minutes to talk about our favorite hobby and the board games we played this…