The Future of Game Night with the Saints

by Mrs. Saint Sixteen months ago, Brad and I (Jess) published our tenth episode of our podcast: Game Night with the Saints. If you had told us then that we wouldn’t have had our next episode out for you on track two weeks later, I would have laughed. Then life happened. And now, here weContinue reading “The Future of Game Night with the Saints”

Episode 10: Intrepid

We’re back with our tenth episode after a rocky start to 2022 thanks to mandatory work travel and COVID-19 quarantining!  In this episode, we discuss our favorite board game memories of the past few weeks, before jumping into our Notable News and Crowdfunding Corner.  Finally, we do a deep dive into Intrepid, designed by JeffContinue reading “Episode 10: Intrepid”

Don’t Table the Table Investment

by Mrs. Saint Last year (2021), Brad and I knew early on, with our super mobile toddler and her utter refusal to wear masks for most of the year, that we probably were going to forgo a family vacation for the year. We also were reaching a point with our board gaming hobby where gettingContinue reading “Don’t Table the Table Investment”

Episode 9: Dinosaur Island: Rawr ‘n Write

In the ninth episode of Game Night with the Saints,  we share our favorite board game memories from the past couple of weeks and then we jump into the news from around the board game hobby since our last episode. We also address some slight changes that will be happening to our Crowdfunding Corner portionContinue reading “Episode 9: Dinosaur Island: Rawr ‘n Write”

Episode 8: Holiday Gift Buying Guide

In our final episode of 2021,  we have board game memories this week! From there, we discuss our crowdfunding picks – Free at Last and Fastrek, both on Kickstarter.  From there, we discuss our feature topic – board game holiday gift buying! In this episode, we cover a wide range of games to suit anyContinue reading “Episode 8: Holiday Gift Buying Guide”

Episode 7: Sleeping Gods

In the seventh episode of Game Night with the Saints,  we skip the board game memories this week to jump right into our crowdfunding picks – Lords of Ragnarok on Gamefound and Steam Up on Kickstarter.  Afterwards, we discuss our feature game – Sleeping Gods, designed by Ryan Laukat and published by Red Raven Games.Continue reading “Episode 7: Sleeping Gods”

Episode 6: Halloween Special

In our sixth episode,  we discuss our favorite board game memories of the last couple of weeks before talking about Verdant and Tales from the Red Dragon Inn, both on Kickstarter.  Afterwards, we change things up a bit with a feature topic – Can board games be scary?  Finally, we finish up with a listContinue reading “Episode 6: Halloween Special”

Episode 5: Obsession

In the fifth episode of Game Night with the Saints,  we discuss our favorite board game memories of the last couple of weeks and some big news that may have far reaching implications for the board game industry!  From there, we talk about Voidfall and Artisans of Splendent Vale, both on Kickstarter.  Afterwards, we jumpContinue reading “Episode 5: Obsession”

Episode 3: Brew

In the third episode of the Game Night with the Saints Podcast,  we discuss our favorite board game memories of the last couple of weeks before talking about Wild Serengeti on Kickstarter and Mythic Mischief on Gamefound.  Afterwards, we jump into an in depth review of Brew, designed by Stevo Torres and published by PandasaurusContinue reading “Episode 3: Brew”